
An introduction of sorts

I hate introduction posts. I never know exactly what to say in them. So I'll just get right into it. Anything you need to know about me is in my profile, and anything else I'll eventually tell you.

Mass Effect 2

So I recently started my second run-through of Mass Effect 1 and 2. First time around, I played the part of the goody-two-shoes. Got the.. guy, saved the day and saved the counc-- whoops I might have accidently picked the wrong option and got the council killed. Oh well. 

Renegade I'm finding to be more fun. Punching people in the face whenever I feel like it and stabbing them with a taser-like pitch fork in always a plus. I'm also playing on a higher difficultly, and I'm actually enjoying picking off the waves of mercs and mechs. Why? I think I just like shooting things, especially when I can take the time to zoom in like in Borderlands. That's one of my faults with being able to shoot in Halo -- I can't always take the time to aim and be able to hit my target (I'd blame it on being a girl, but really it's my fumbling fingers.)

I've only made it about a quarter of the way through Mass Effect 2 so far, and even in the second time around I'm enjoying it just as much as the first time. My biggest dilemma at the moment is who to make my lover. Haha. The first time I played, I refrained from having a relationship to stay true to my one and only love Kaiden. For some reason the second time I played I felt I still had to be with Kaiden, but this time I plan to break his heart (tear.) Garrus is pretty sexy with his war-torn face and Thane is well.. green. Jacob is a tool and I refuse to be with a tool. I'm sure it'll be figured out in due time.

One thing I want to make clear is that I am in no way an expert in video games, nor am I a hardcore gamer. I don't claim to know everything about gaming or be the best at it. I just enjoy video games and have grown up with them all my life. So what I share are my thoughts, not really strategies, and at some point I'll probably share my favorite video game covers. That's just who I am.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! If you like Garrus, be sure to check out his voice actor's page: http://www.facebook.com/Brandon.J.Keener
