
Blaster from the past

How cool is this website? A friend of mine recently talked about this on their facebook status, so I had to check it out. Nerd heaven, might I add. I was happy to see that one of the first links in the list was "Star Wars in the '90s." Happiness.

Something I'm not sure that many people know about me is that my love for Star Wars started in third grade with my best friend at the time (who happened to be a guy.. in fact I only really hung out with guys at the period of time.) He introduced me to the original Star Wars Trilogy. My favorite character? Princess Leia of course. what was I for Halloween that year? Princess Leia.

So anyway, in the Star Wars article it talks books and the franchise and such. I read the Star Wars Junior Jedi Knights series, which was pretty good. And then I came across a this blast from the past:

Super Star Wars

I remember spending hours playing this game and getting completely frustrated with it half the time. I really hated the speeder levels and I don't remember being very good at them. But for the '90s it was a decent side scroller game. So was Super Return of the Jedi. Makes me wish I had a paypal account or had time to go downturn and search through the local comic book store.

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